Five Easy Ways To Prevent Water Damage Cleanup

Preventing water damage doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be time-consuming. By reliably following a few simple steps, you can prevent the vast majority of potential water damage disasters in your home. From our water damage restoration experts at White Knight in Madison, here are five easy things you can do to prevent water damage cleanup in your home. 

Water Damage Cleanup In Madison

Clean Your Gutters And Downspouts

Rain gutters are one of your first lines of defense against flooding and water damage. However, if they become filled with leaves and debris due to neglect, they will be unable to do their job. Instead, rainwater will pour over the top of them and cause water to pool around the base of your home. 

Inspect Your Appliances

There are several water-based appliances inside your home that can cause major flooding and water damage if they fail. The biggest ones include your washing machine, kitchen sink, bathroom sinks, shower or bathtub, dishwasher, refrigerator, and toilets. If an appliance has a water supply connection and hose, check for cracks, holes, and any leaking water. If the lines are looking worn, it is time to replace them. 

Inspect Your Roof Regularly

Your home’s roof and attic are often overlooked areas for water damage. It’s a clear case of “out of sight, out of mind.” But a leaking roof can cause a whole host of problems. Inspecting your roof once a year for missing or damaged roofing tiles, holes, or cracks in your roof’s flume and flashing is a great way to spot leaks before they become out of control and cause water damage. If you are noticing some damage to your roof, inspect your attic and take stock of how bad the water damage is. 

Monitor Your Water Bill Closely

Examining your water bill each month is a helpful way to keep water damage at bay in your home. Simply know what the baseline water usage in your home is and look for unusual spikes in your usage as you get your water bill each month. If you detect any unusual spikes, there may be a leak somewhere in your home driving up your water usage. 

Monitor Moisture Levels In Your Home

As the moisture levels in your home increase, the likelihood of water and mold damage increase as well. You should pay attention to the humidity and moisture levels of your home. If they are high, make sure you wipe down surfaces like window sills that will accumulate moisture each day due to the humidity

Don’t make water damage prevention any harder than it has to be! Stick to the simple tips mentioned above along with simply being vigilant and alert and you will likely be able to keep your home water damage free. However, we at White Knight in Madison understand that disasters and accidents can still happen even despite your best efforts. So, if your home does suffer from water damage and cleanup costs, give us a call for help!

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