water damage restoration madison

How To Prepare Your Home For The Winter And Prevent Water Damage

Summer is quickly moving into fall, and winter is right around the corner. As wonderful as winter, it can also be a problem for homeowners who experience unexpected water damage because of the outside weather conditions. Before the snow comes, it is a good idea to prepare your home to prevent any water damage from […]

water damage restoration madison

Common Exterior Water Damage Sources

Water damage is a common problem faced by many homeowners here in Madison, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. While interior water damage is usually caused by leaking pipes or appliances, exterior water damage can be caused by a wide range of sources. Here are some of the most common causes […]

Water Damaged Electrical System: Risks And Restoration

Water damage can wreak havoc on your home, causing significant damage to your property and belongings. But in addition to the physical damage, water can also pose a risk to your home’s electrical system, which can be extremely dangerous if left unaddressed. Professional water damage restoration services can reduce these risks and help you get […]

Why DIY Water Damage Restoration Is Dangerous

No matter, water damage is bound to happen to everyone at least once in their life. One can take all the precautionary measures, but problems will inevitably happen. Unfortunately, sometimes water damage is completely out of our control, as accidents and human error happen. As problems do happen unexpectedly, you may not have the expendable […]

How To Restore A Water-Damaged Carpet

Carpet floors make your Madison home feel comfortable and cozy and can even make a room more attractive. With that being said, carpets are very susceptible to damage from water. Water damage is one of the worst ways to ruin carpets, and it happens all too frequently in homes. If left unattended, water damage to […]

Preventing Winter Water Damage

The change in temperature that winter brings can be extremely harsh on our homes. If it isn’t prepared for this dramatic change, the damage is sure to occur. Water pipes can freeze, ice dams can form, and thawed snow can flood your home. It’s important to know how to prepare for each to prevent them […]

After The Flood — Six Tips For Staying And Getting Back To Normal

Getting back to normal after a flood can be a long, arduous process. Fortunately, the process can be expedited and simplified by taking a few simple steps. From our water damage restoration professionals at White Knight in Madison, here are a few tips on getting back to normal after a flood. Water Damage Restoration In […]

Summer Weather And Water Damage Restoration In Wisconsin

Warm summers in the land between Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, Lake Kegonsa, and Lake Waubesa entice tourists and residents to jump in and play hard. But summer weather can also be extreme. Thunderstorms are typically a summertime phenomenon, with south-central Wisconsin usually getting 40 days of thunder and lightning per year. Occasional hail, wind, and […]

Water Damage And the Structural Integrity Of Your Home

Everyone wants a home with “good bones.” However, we rarely take time to think about what having “good bones” really means. All too often, water damage is the thing that gives a home “bad bones.” If left untreated, water damage can significantly damage the structure of your home. In fact, structural problems put your home […]

Water Damage Restoration Process Made Simple

We know that one of the most important questions home owners in Madison have after their home has suffered water damage is, “How long will water damage restoration take?” This can be a loaded question, as every water damage situation is different and the tie it takes to get your home back to normal will […]

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